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But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; - 1 Timothy 1:8

IN THE 20th CENTURY: It being found that NAZI Germany’s Leader Adolf Hitler and Third Reich MILITIA engaged in WAR Crimes . . .! The NUREMBERG Trials were held to bring Hitler and others (as his Generals, etc.) to JUSTICE! The Nuremberg Trials were held specifically JUST FOR the European (what are known as WHITE Nations) Nations. Thus, being the SCRIPT that NAZI Germany used in World War II Script!


IN THE 21st CENTURY: The Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s / Utica International Embassy’s Officials are using similar script in setting up the N.A.Z.I. Trials (NAZIS and ZIONISTS International Trials) as well as the applicable “WAR CRIMES COMMISSION for purposes of Investigation(s) and Prosecution(s) – if violations are found – for WAR Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and / or other Atrocities being carried out against the BLACK Indians within what is presently known as the United States of America as well as UNIFYING with other NATIVE Tribal Nations and their People to hold our own “NUREMBERG-Style” Trials through the appropriate INTERNATIONAL Tribunals!


With that being said, this webpage is being set up to assist (if possible) other BLACK Indians, INDIGENOUS People and / or NATIVES of the Lands / Territories UNLAWFULLY seized and / or stolen, etc. to bring their matters before the “appropriate INTERNATIONAL Authorities” – i.e. in accordance with the International Criminal Court’s April 4, 2019, Communications provided as well as the applicable Statutes, Codes, Rules, Regulations, Article(s), Resolution(s) and / or Procedures, etc. governing said matters!


On or about June 2, 2024, some of the United Nation’s Member States were provided with the Chickasaw Tribal Nation’s COMPLAINT and EMERGENCY Petitions.


On or about June 22, 2024, the Chickasaw Tribal Nation submitted Complaint and EMERGENCY Petitions to the United Nations Human Rights Office Of The High Commissioner and others.

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PLEASE BE ADVISED: We are in the process of placing a “COMPLAINT” Form on this Webpage for other BLACK Indians / Indigenous People / NATIVES of the Lands / Territories and Properties, etc. that may want to pursue JUSTICE as well for harms / injuries, etc.; however, may not be familiar with the process(es).

Leading The Way For JUSTICE 10/24/2024 03:00 pm America/New York 8 Days https://www.slideshare.net/VogelDenise
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